Secret Ballot
Card Check
Why is a secret ballot so important?
It's fair - employees can hear from both sides
It safeguards against coercion or undue pressure
It is supervised by an independent agency
It gives everyone confidence in the outcome
British Columbians overwhelmingly support secret ballots in union votes.
percent of British Columbians support secret ballot
Only 9%
percent of British Columbians support card check
John Horgan and the NDP are
their own Review Panel:

The secret ballot vote is the most consistent with our democratic norms, protects the fundamental right of freedom of association and choice, and is preferred.

Secret ballots for union certification are the norm in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland – and most Ontario situations.
Plus we use secret ballot for virtually every other type of vote:
• MP
• Party Leaders
• Mayor
• City Council
• School Board
• Strata Council
• School Parent Councils
• Minor Sports
• Society boards
• Charity boards
• Church boards
• Temple boards
• Canada's Got Talent
• Survivor
• Canadian Idol
• Big Brother Canada
• Justin McElroy's Twitter polls
Card check denies
workers of so many rights.
The democratic right to a secret ballot

A worker’s right to make important career decisions with no undue influence

The right to a regulated voting process, overseen by an independent agency

A worker’s ability to get information before choosing between options

A worker’s right to privacy

Confidence that the certification process was fair.